Category Archives: Wine, Drinks & Cocktails

Blackberry Simple Syrup

Blackberry Simple Syrup

The first recipe made with our glut of blackberries was blackberry vinegar, which happens to still be steeping away in the basement on a shelf that also houses our multi pack stash of toilet paper. I know, I know, not very aspirational, is it? I’d love to be able to tell you that the vinegarContinue Reading

Lunch at La Bandita Townhouse, Pienza, Italy

Lunch at La Bandita Townhouse, Pienza, Italy

La Bandita Townhouse, a boutique hotel on Pienza’s Corso Il Rossellino, opened during the spring of 2013, with a primo main street location, extremely friendly staff who speak fluent English (and a menu in both Italian and English, though I do prefer using Italian when in Italian restaurants – it doesn’t hurt to have aContinue Reading

Trimming the Party Budget: On the air with FOX 25 Boston

It was a pleasure, as always, to visit with my friends at FOX 25 Boston, this time to discuss strategies for a budget cocktail party with the lovely and fun Elizabeth Hopkins. One thing that Elizabeth and I didn’t have a chance to discuss on the air is embracing the potluck. Don’t be afraid toContinue Reading

Fausti Rosso Piceno Fausto 2008

Fausti Rosso Piceno Fausto 2008

Caro Santo Valentino, Come amo il vino italiano? Lascimi contare i modi. Cominciando con questo Rosso Piceno ho avuto ieri sera. Translation: Dear Saint Valentine, How do I love Italian wine? Let me count the ways. Starting with this Rosso Piceno I had last night. For the record, I could only have come up withContinue Reading

Montsarra Cava Brut

Montsarra Cava Brut

Cava in the outdoor refrigerator with the milk. Have I mentioned that we have a small house? And a small kitchen? And a small refrigerator that isn’t even actually IN the kitchen proper? Yeah, well, at least we have the whole outdoors for refrigeration during the winter. That’s an upside, I guess. My neighborhood convenienceContinue Reading