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Honey Bees Pooh Bear-style

Honey Bees Pooh Bear-style

Two weeks ago, JR and I schlepped down the formerly-closed-by-flood-waters Rhode Island leg of Route 95 to our beeman’s house in Warwick, RI. Not just a beekeeper, this particular beeman is also the supplier of new bee colonies to quite a number of beekeepers in the Northeast. Over the course of two winters, we hadContinue Reading

Winners of the IceMilk Aprons and Poor Girl Gourmet Mother’s Day Giveaway

Winners of the IceMilk Aprons and Poor Girl Gourmet Mother’s Day Giveaway

Ashley from IceMilk Aprons and I hope you’re all having a wonderful Mother’s Day. Lest you wonder about the giveaway winners all the rest of your days (or even if only for a minute or two), I wanted to take the time to tell you that we had two winners in our IceMilk Aprons andContinue Reading

An Interview with Ashley from IceMilk Aprons

An Interview with Ashley from IceMilk Aprons

To gear up for our Mother’s Day giveaway, Ashley from IceMilk Aprons and I interviewed one another. Within moments, I felt like we might just have been separated at birth. No wonder I’m so drawn to the sensibility and heirloom/old ways approach of her aprons. Here’s what Ashley and I discussed: For people who mightContinue Reading

A Mother’s Day Giveaway with IceMilk Aprons

A Mother’s Day Giveaway with IceMilk Aprons

In celebration of Moms everywhere – IceMilk Aprons and I have teamed up to bring you a giveaway no Mom could resist (I mean, honestly, I just got my first IceMilk Apron and it is fabu!). So what’s the deal, you may ask? IceMilk Aprons, a gourmet line of heirloom aprons, makes for a meaningfulContinue Reading

Pork Shoulder Braised in Milk

Pork Shoulder Braised in Milk

JR’s brother has two treatments for pork chops that have raised JR’s and my eyebrows for years (probably my eyebrows more than JR’s, actually). One involves cooking the chops on the stovetop in orange juice (makes my mouth pucker just thinking about it) and the other involves cooking them on the stovetop (I said “treatments”,Continue Reading