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Forty years: And hope does spring eternal

Forty years: And hope does spring eternal

Yesterday, JR and I started our day with a ride to pick up replacement bees for our three hives, then spent the day starting seeds, assembling frames for the beehives, with JR installing all 30,000 or so bees in their homes in the early evening. It was warm, the pansies in the planters on theContinue Reading

A Fun Mother’s Day Podcast with the Ladies from

A Fun Mother’s Day Podcast with the Ladies from

With Mother’s Day fast approaching, Marsha and Caragh at are gearing up for the holiday, and they invited me to be part of their weekly podcast to talk about the Poor Girl Gourmet cookbook, the influence of my mom and both Nanas on my cooking, as well as tips for a budget Mother’s DayContinue Reading

Peas in Mint Cream

Peas in Mint Cream

This winter, I’ve become addicted to a particular blend of baby greens that I get each week at the Providence Wintertime Farmers Market. They have just the right blend of peppery heat and interesting textures that keep me coming back – week in and week out, even if I need nothing else at the marketContinue Reading

Blabbering Away at the University of Rhode Island

For those of you who live near enough to University of Rhode Island’s Kingston campus (or those of you who don’t have that Rhode Island/Southeastern Massachusetts disdain of driving further than a few miles from home), this Wednesday, April 14, I’ll be speaking about the blog-to-book experience at URI at 6:30pm. For free – becauseContinue Reading

Two Easy No-cook Sauces for a Spring Feast

Two Easy No-cook Sauces for a Spring Feast

My family has a long history of putting out copious amounts of food on any given holiday. Not one to break with tradition – at least not with food traditions, especially not as far as the tradition of plenty goes – each year, for Easter, we make a leg of lamb and a ham. WhyContinue Reading