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Not For the Faint: Killing it in 2010

Not For the Faint: Killing it in 2010

Warning: This post is not all middle-aged puppies and stately roosters co-existing and having a lifetime together. Turn back now if you’re squeamish in the least. As I am frequently known to be not-so-serious, I must offer this statement up before you proceed or scroll down to look at the pretty pictures: There are noContinue Reading

Montsarra Cava Brut

Montsarra Cava Brut

Cava in the outdoor refrigerator with the milk. Have I mentioned that we have a small house? And a small kitchen? And a small refrigerator that isn’t even actually IN the kitchen proper? Yeah, well, at least we have the whole outdoors for refrigeration during the winter. That’s an upside, I guess. My neighborhood convenienceContinue Reading

Baked Egg Nog-Sweet Bread French Toast

Baked Egg Nog-Sweet Bread French Toast

If you plan to start 2010, not with an all-night booze bash, but, instead, with a civilized and refined (though possibly booze-including) brunch on New Year’s Day, then I highly recommend that you make this Egg Nog-Sweet Bread French Toast to serve or take along. If the prognosis for the entire year can be gaugedContinue Reading

Happy Holidays

Happy Holidays

I hope you and yours have a wonderful, peaceful – and ideally not quite as snowy as that picture there – holiday.

Brockton Beans

Brockton Beans

JR and I met at a local golf course where I was the bartender and he was a member. Member implies something fancy, and, in that regard, is a bit of a misnomer used in reference to this particular golf course. Around town it was known as a rowdy, blue collar club. However, he didContinue Reading