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Sweet Potato-Crystallized Ginger Cookies

Sweet Potato-Crystallized Ginger Cookies

“You need to get off the farm,” JR implored me, upon seeing my wrinkled and somewhat food stained three-day old garb, unkempt (and quite unshowered) appearance, and worse, my lethargic mood. He was right. Not only was I lacking motivation, I was also perilously low on inspiration. And when I’m not inspired, I’m generally testy.Continue Reading

A Favorite Holiday Cake: Apple-Cinnamon Cake for Hoarding or Giving

A Favorite Holiday Cake: Apple-Cinnamon Cake for Hoarding or Giving

I feel a sense of comfort writing this post. Not like I’m wearing a favorite pair of jeans, for my hips and inherited semi-pro-football-playing-dad’s thighs have never quite been at their most comfortable in jeans, but as though a favorite friend, long missed, has come for a visit. This apple cake has served me well,Continue Reading

Oatmeal: As Obsession and Process

Oatmeal: As Obsession and Process

One thing that keeping a blog has made quite clear to me is that I am, by nature, obsessive. Great. I mean, I suppose there are worse things to be – and I’m not compulsive, which is a plus – but my food-focus comes in very intense stages. At this time last year, it wasContinue Reading

Mom’s Mushy Stuffing

Mom’s Mushy Stuffing

There are some foods from our youth, regardless of how darned sophisticated one’s palate becomes later in life, that simply cannot be replaced, especially at the holidays. My mother’s mushy stuffing is firmly in this category. It is a stuffing that, at one time or another, all four McCoy children have asked for the recipeContinue Reading

Pumpkin-Maple Tiramisu

Pumpkin-Maple Tiramisu

This dish graced our Thanksgiving table a few years ago in its original form as Epicurious’ Super-Simple Pumpkin Tiramisu. Man, those Epi people don’t lie. Super-simple, indeed. I’ve started doing time trials on the making of this tiramisu, and on the last round, from the time I placed my stand mixer on the counter untilContinue Reading