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Random Edibles from the Garden: Nasturtium Leaves

Random Edibles from the Garden: Nasturtium Leaves

Gardening is one of those activities at which people are their most generous. Seeds not planted by man – the resulting plants known as volunteers – sprout, and feeling too guilty to simply yank them from the garden, a gardener will offer them to friends and neighbors (sometimes these two categories are one and theContinue Reading

Memories of Zucchini Blossoms Past

Memories of Zucchini Blossoms Past

Despite the Northeast’s dreary weather conditions for what now seems like months, not weeks, the garden marches on. It rewards us with the promise of copious zucchini blossoms, showing at least the squash’s appreciation of my pest management. I have progressed from the Jar of Death method I had used prior to the constant rains,Continue Reading

Does this muffin a rhubarbist make?

Does this muffin a rhubarbist make?

My childhood memories of rhubarb involve warm summer afternoons in a still-damp bathing suit, and being handed a raw stalk with a bowl full of sparkling white sugar, then being instructed to take a bite. A la tequila shots, as it were. Dunk the stalk in sugar, take a tangy bite, dunk the stalk inContinue Reading

Je t’aime sweet radish de petit dejeuner

Je t’aime sweet radish de petit dejeuner

Apologies to all of you whose command of French surpasses mine. By my estimation, this would include every last one of you, even those of you who are only able to say “oui oui” every once in a while. I had to look up even these two simple phrases, “I love you” (that’s Je t’aime)Continue Reading

A Burger for Those Not Oafish

A Burger for Those Not Oafish

It seems as though I am on a bit of a nostalgic trip down the winding road of past employ lately, so why veer off when one is meandering through the memories of funny or pathetic jobs of yore? A couple of years after college, I had a job making tape duplications – or whatContinue Reading