Author Archives:

Toward greater self-sufficiency and possibly less smugness

Toward greater self-sufficiency and possibly less smugness

I have to admit, I am feeling a bit self-satisfied. Springtime and its crops are bringing out the smugness in me, and I’m not certain that that’s terribly admirable. Certainly I have very little to do with the growth of the asparagus, chives, thyme, and oregano, or of the radish sprouts pushing their way throughContinue Reading

Don’t disdain the rosé, embrace it

Don’t disdain the rosé, embrace it

One of the silver-lining experiences of being underemployed – besides being able to think and write about food all day, which might just be a platinum lining – is that my greatly diminished, or, um, nonexistent, wine budget has led me to drink wines that I’ve owned for a while. If my net worth wasContinue Reading

I think I’ll celebrate with ricotta forte

I think I’ll celebrate with ricotta forte

It feels good to be back. Comfortable. Like home. And to celebrate my return to the blog after a too-long two-week hiatus, I come bearing ricotta forte. A cheese unknown to me until yesterday. That’s right. Yesterday. This is a bit shocking, I have to say, for I am obsessed with cheese to the pointContinue Reading

Carrot Casserole

Carrot Casserole

On Sunday, JR’s family and my family will gather at our house to celebrate Easter. Or, to be more forthright, to celebrate food and family, meaning no disrespect whatsoever to Christiandom. Though I suppose it is a bit pagan to worship Food, is it not? Not that I do, mind you. I’m just saying thatContinue Reading

Roasted Pork Belly

Roasted Pork Belly

Cochon 555 was held last night in Boston to rave reviews. What, pray tell, isCochon 555, you may be asking? Wonderful, your curiosity, and I have an answer for you. It may take poetic license, this answer of mine, but please, do bear with me. Cochon 555 is an event that roams the countryside, searchingContinue Reading