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Of lightning strikes, modems, and carrot soup

Of lightning strikes, modems, and carrot soup

It came with such a loud crashing noise that I involuntarily shrieked into the phone and jumped back from the kitchen window. Through the cascade of heavy rain, came a burst of lightning so close to our house, so close to our barn, and glowing orange. A color neither JR nor I had previously associatedContinue Reading

Torta di Pasqualina: Easter pie

Torta di Pasqualina: Easter pie

The description of Torta di Pasqualina in Anna del Conte’s Gastronomy of Italy makes me desire greatly to find a close Ligurian friend – one who wouldn’t mind my stopping by while she crafts her Torta – all 33 layers of hand-formed dough that it requires – and beg of her to teach me howContinue Reading

Pizza Worth Patience

Pizza Worth Patience

I arrived at my friend Kristin’s house on Saturday evening to find a large, gorgeous, and abundantly fragrant basil plant on the kitchen table. Not having the resources to shop with any frequency these days, I hadn’t considered stopping at my favorite money-sucking nursery – and I say that in the nicest possible way –Continue Reading

Lasagna Bolognese

Lasagna Bolognese

Of what we will so fancily call my oeuvre of comfort foods, the Untraditional Bolognese sauce is perhaps the most adored, which is convenient as it happens to be rather inexpensive to make ($8.29!), freezes well, and is quite versatile. The first day of each new batch’s existence, it is always served in its purestContinue Reading

Beer Bread Revisited

Beer Bread Revisited

The beer bread is truly remarkable for its speed, ease, and tastiness, so it wasn’t exactly begging for improvement, but the addition of some wheat flour did prompt me to post yet again, and consecutively, at that, about beer bread, so useful do I find this recipe. If you’re looking for just a wee bitContinue Reading