Author Archives:

Prunes in your Pasta

Prunes in your Pasta

Now, I realize that you might be reading this and thinking, “um, why, precisely, would I enjoy prunes in my pasta?” And I understand your skepticism. However, you must hear me out. I had a fantastic ricotta and prunes pasta dish for the first time a few years ago in Italy. So fantastic that whileContinue Reading

Breakfast for Dinner

Breakfast for Dinner

When I was a kid, one of my favorite dinners was actually a theme dinner, Breakfast for Dinner. You remember it. I know you had them, too. Some nights it was apple pancakes, other nights scrambled eggs. I don’t remember any French Toast making the Breakfast for Dinner menu, which strikes me as quite aContinue Reading

Luck be a Lentil

Luck be a Lentil

I know that when “they” say “luck be a lady”, “they” mean for luck to be kind, genteel, and/or ladylike, but for the sake of a lovely alliteration (gotcha!) for today’s title, please grant me this folly of luck being a lentil. In Italian tradition, lentils are eaten at the New Year to help fosterContinue Reading

Chicken Husbandry

Chicken Husbandry

I tend to the chickens at our house as often as JR cooks dinner. Which is to say, next to never, and only as an absolute necessity of survival – either the chickens’ or ours, as the case may be. In fact, JR usually does whatever he is able to keep me from tending toContinue Reading

Butternut Squash Ravioli in a Maple-Cream Sauce

Butternut Squash Ravioli in a Maple-Cream Sauce

I am sometimes guilty of getting a bit carried away with doing things in the most time-consuming fashion. I’d appreciate it, family, if you would stop laughing now. Thank you. It’s just that I enjoy making things myself – whether it be a gift, artwork, a note card, or a meal – and so IContinue Reading