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The dough is your friend.

The dough is your friend.

I interrupt the normally scheduled Thursday wine post to bring you this very important recipe. Very important. People, we need to talk about savory pie crust. And I have to tell you, I’m rather excited about the Putney Mountain Winery Apple Maple wine that was scheduled for this posting, but it is far more importantContinue Reading

Boring? Soulless? What is this white bread you speak of?

Boring? Soulless? What is this white bread you speak of?

Around two o’clock yesterday afternoon, I realized that we were out of bread. If you’ve been reading this blog since its start, you are aware that I am charged with making a yeast bread per week. Last week’s effort was a disaster, so I was filled with trepidation at fulfilling my yeast bread obligation forContinue Reading

Ashmead’s Kernel Found in Vermont

Ashmead’s Kernel Found in Vermont

It sounds like a crazy 1800’s mystery title, doesn’t it? Stop the presses! Ashmead’s Kernel Found in Vermont! Ah, don’t get too excited, I didn’t find a priceless gold nugget (which wouldn’t be called “kernel”, now then, would it?) nor a lone, obscure popping corn kernel in Vermont. What I did find was an amazingContinue Reading

Flour here. Flour there. Flour everywhere.

Flour here. Flour there. Flour everywhere.

I have flour in my flip flops. If I were a professional chef, I wouldn’t be wearing beach attire in the kitchen (really, it’s only the flip flops. The rest of me is in regular street clothing, I swear.), but I like to cling onto the summer footwear for as long as possible into theContinue Reading

Castello Monaci Piluna Primitivo 2006

Castello Monaci Piluna Primitivo 2006

The Castello Monaci website has such a wonderful introduction page, I have to admit that after viewing it, I had already developed a positive outlook on their Primitivo which I had yet to open. In doing these wine reviews, my aim is to avoid polluting my perception of the wine with any “official” information onContinue Reading