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Gimme my affogato!

Gimme my affogato!

I really do love fall – at least the flavors – and, today, the weather. It’s a balmy sixty degrees or so, and perfect weather for ice cream. Well, actually, any day is a perfect day for ice cream, and in fall, why not have ice cream that utilizes some of those traditional autumn tastes?Continue Reading

Good for the soul. Good for colds.

Good for the soul. Good for colds.

That “good for colds” thing may just be an old wives’ tale, but it seemed to work out for JR last night. I have only a minute, but wanted to share with you the recipe for the cold-slaying (well, we hope cold-slaying after today, anyway) chicken soup. Chicken Soup with pasta – made with homemadeContinue Reading

Pears and The Pyramid

Pears and The Pyramid

Pears bruise so easily. They entice me into buying them with their pretty colors – jewel tone reds, soft new-grass greens, mottled sunset pink – and then, within a day of having them in my house, they look like they’ve been in a barroom brawl, all bruised skin and mushy flesh. So disappointing. But, itContinue Reading

Wow. I really DO have a problem.

Wow. I really DO have a problem.

I know that I admitted to having a cooked-fruit-with-crumb-topping addiction nearly two weeks ago – a near-eternity in the blogosphere – and an admission which you most likely have forgotten by now or of which you were never aware. So let me say it again. I have a problem. But now I think the problemContinue Reading

I come bearing vanilla treats

I come bearing vanilla treats

I’ve only recently begun to make ice cream in earnest. It began this past June, on JR and my fifth wedding anniversary. Strawberries were at their peak, and unlike last year when there was nary a native strawberry to be found, they were abundant at my local farm stand. We had decided to stay inContinue Reading