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Aveleda Charamba Duoro 2005 and Quinta de Cabriz Dao Colheita Seleccionada 2005

Aveleda Charamba Duoro 2005 and Quinta de Cabriz Dao Colheita Seleccionada 2005

No wine was spit out in the making of this post. I swear. Last Thursday, after having sampled the Ajello Majus Nero d’Avola on Wednesday night, I trekked into Somerville to meet my brother and sister-in-law for a field trip to the Wine and Cheese Cask. As you know, I’m on a mission to findContinue Reading

Why can’t it just stay warm?

Why can’t it just stay warm?

I am clearly not at all ready for “real” fall, as I sit here groaning about how darned cold I am – to no one in particular, I might add – until you read this, that is – and it’s still in the 40s. At least I have this soup to keep me warm. PrintHeartyContinue Reading

Nearly instant orange fanciness

Nearly instant orange fanciness

Let’s face it, chicken is good food, but, boy, could it use some sprucing up from time to time. You know, just to keep it, well, interesting. Two nights ago, which now seems like it may as well have been August given the change in temperature between then and today, JR and I grilled chickenContinue Reading

The Jury is In

The Jury is In

Oh yes. The jury is in. Definitely not out; in. And the jury thinks that no matter how frightening a concoction sourdough starter is, it is definitely good for you and your homemade bread. I mean, just look at the air bubbles in that sourdough ciabatta up there. I have to admit, I was reluctantContinue Reading

A sweet variation

A sweet variation

Ahhhh, what a difference a week makes. I returned to the farmers market today, and Marie from Oakdale Farms was working in a short-sleeved shirt. It’s sunny, almost seventy degrees, and even the fruits and vegetables looked plumper, shinier, and more appetizing than last week. But then, everything looks better on a sunny day, doesn’tContinue Reading