Category Archives: Cooking on a Budget

Poor Girl Gourmet Pointers: The Frugal Lunch

Poor Girl Gourmet Pointers: The Frugal Lunch

There’s an odd thing going on in my world lately, and it’s called “working off-site”. As it happens, working off-site means getting back to packing a lunch each day, a practice I had always undertaken when I worked off-site in the past. Even, in fact, when I was consistently getting paid. So it wasn’t anContinue Reading

The Evolution of an Obsession: Oatmeal-Apple Bread

The Evolution of an Obsession: Oatmeal-Apple Bread

A while back, you may recall, I informed you of my latest obsession (really, it’s only one of many concurrent obsessions, most all of which are foodstuffs), oatmeal with brown sugar, apples, and dried cranberries. This oddly healthy (well, the food itself anyway) preoccupation has manifested itself in yet another form, and that form lendsContinue Reading

Brockton Beans

Brockton Beans

JR and I met at a local golf course where I was the bartender and he was a member. Member implies something fancy, and, in that regard, is a bit of a misnomer used in reference to this particular golf course. Around town it was known as a rowdy, blue collar club. However, he didContinue Reading

A Favorite Holiday Cake: Apple-Cinnamon Cake for Hoarding or Giving

A Favorite Holiday Cake: Apple-Cinnamon Cake for Hoarding or Giving

I feel a sense of comfort writing this post. Not like I’m wearing a favorite pair of jeans, for my hips and inherited semi-pro-football-playing-dad’s thighs have never quite been at their most comfortable in jeans, but as though a favorite friend, long missed, has come for a visit. This apple cake has served me well,Continue Reading

The Sardines Have It

The Sardines Have It

While reading this post about challenging oneself to create meals from what’s on hand in one’s pantry – a technique that we do employ with frequency here (Artichoke hearts? Check. Olives? Check. Pasta? Ahhhh, yeah. Check.), I realized that if said dish includes meat, it nearly always comes from within the confines of the refrigeratorContinue Reading