Category Archives: Cooking on a Budget

Homemade Tortillas and Summer Black Bean Salsa

Homemade Tortillas and Summer Black Bean Salsa

Holy smokes, folks. When I say that homemade tortillas are amazingly good and are also easy to make, I am not fooling. Of late, I’ve been on a bit of a flatbread kick. Grilled breakfast pizzas, grilled pizza dough crackers with Pecorino Romano sprinkled over top, and now, tortillas. If you’ve been reading along hereContinue Reading

A Quick Bread of the Highest Order: Zucchini Pesto Bread

A Quick Bread of the Highest Order: Zucchini Pesto Bread

It’s difficult to determine whether or not this has been a successful summer for our zucchini plants. On the one hand, my early bug smooshing efforts paid off with a bounty of blossoms for stuffing and frying. On the other hand, the squash bug nymphs that emerged from the eggs that I missed appear toContinue Reading

A Burger for Those Not Oafish

A Burger for Those Not Oafish

It seems as though I am on a bit of a nostalgic trip down the winding road of past employ lately, so why veer off when one is meandering through the memories of funny or pathetic jobs of yore? A couple of years after college, I had a job making tape duplications – or whatContinue Reading

Of lightning strikes, modems, and carrot soup

Of lightning strikes, modems, and carrot soup

It came with such a loud crashing noise that I involuntarily shrieked into the phone and jumped back from the kitchen window. Through the cascade of heavy rain, came a burst of lightning so close to our house, so close to our barn, and glowing orange. A color neither JR nor I had previously associatedContinue Reading

Lasagna Bolognese

Lasagna Bolognese

Of what we will so fancily call my oeuvre of comfort foods, the Untraditional Bolognese sauce is perhaps the most adored, which is convenient as it happens to be rather inexpensive to make ($8.29!), freezes well, and is quite versatile. The first day of each new batch’s existence, it is always served in its purestContinue Reading