Category Archives: Holidays & Entertaining

Carrot Casserole

Carrot Casserole

On Sunday, JR’s family and my family will gather at our house to celebrate Easter. Or, to be more forthright, to celebrate food and family, meaning no disrespect whatsoever to Christiandom. Though I suppose it is a bit pagan to worship Food, is it not? Not that I do, mind you. I’m just saying thatContinue Reading

Torta di Pasqualina: Easter pie

Torta di Pasqualina: Easter pie

The description of Torta di Pasqualina in Anna del Conte’s Gastronomy of Italy makes me desire greatly to find a close Ligurian friend – one who wouldn’t mind my stopping by while she crafts her Torta – all 33 layers of hand-formed dough that it requires – and beg of her to teach me howContinue Reading

A Boiled Dinner Pact

A Boiled Dinner Pact

Though the boiled dinner is scrumptious and simple, it is always relegated to Saint Patrick’s Day (or the weekend nearest to Saint Patrick’s Day) at my house, and that is its lone serving time for the entire calendar year. Last night, as I was cleaning up from our corned beef and cabbage extravaganza, JR said,Continue Reading

Happy Inauguration Day

Happy Inauguration Day

It seems a little too momentous an occasion to be focused on discussing food. But tomorrow we can all look forward to chocolate chip cookies. How’s that sound? A full day with the new president, and cookies. I like it. I hope you do, too.

A Go-To Dessert

A Go-To Dessert

For our Christmas celebration this year, my sister came up with the idea that we should have a bake-off. The only criteria of the bake-off being that each person bring a dessert they had never before made. Now, my normal holiday dessert is Tiramisu, which I love, and which normally gets pretty good reviews, mostlyContinue Reading