Category Archives: Bread & Baked Goods

Boring? Soulless? What is this white bread you speak of?

Boring? Soulless? What is this white bread you speak of?

Around two o’clock yesterday afternoon, I realized that we were out of bread. If you’ve been reading this blog since its start, you are aware that I am charged with making a yeast bread per week. Last week’s effort was a disaster, so I was filled with trepidation at fulfilling my yeast bread obligation forContinue Reading

Wow. I really DO have a problem.

Wow. I really DO have a problem.

I know that I admitted to having a cooked-fruit-with-crumb-topping addiction nearly two weeks ago – a near-eternity in the blogosphere – and an admission which you most likely have forgotten by now or of which you were never aware. So let me say it again. I have a problem. But now I think the problemContinue Reading

The Jury is In

The Jury is In

Oh yes. The jury is in. Definitely not out; in. And the jury thinks that no matter how frightening a concoction sourdough starter is, it is definitely good for you and your homemade bread. I mean, just look at the air bubbles in that sourdough ciabatta up there. I have to admit, I was reluctantContinue Reading

A little beasty

A little beasty

Tuesday evening, I concocted a little monster. A sourdough starter, consisting of just water, yeast, sugar, and flour be the beast. The lone citizen review I saw on the recipe page for the starter said something about homeschooling and “at least it will be an interesting science project”, though she did say she’d only madeContinue Reading

We seek a beefy meal and some cookies

We seek a beefy meal and some cookies

JR and I are just back from our maiden voyage to our local farmers market. By local I mean the one that happens in our town, as there are quite a few markets that could be considered local to us, and I will be exploring those throughout the year, and even into the winter, aboutContinue Reading