Category Archives: Condiments & Sauces

Pear-Ginger Chutney

Pear-Ginger Chutney

There is a cranberry bog down the street from our house – a number of cranberry bogs, in fact – and I do love watching the autumn progression of the bogs turning bright red, followed by a flurry of bog-flooding activity, the farmer and a gaggle of helpers working frantically to harvest them all asContinue Reading

Roasted Grapes with Saba

Roasted Grapes with Saba

Typically, this time of year finds me waxing poetic (like so many of us) about pumpkin. Ah, I really do love me some pumpkin, it’s true. However, this year, I’ve stumbled upon a new autumn produce love, which I find myself eating morning, noon, and night (um, usually on different days, though. I didn’t wantContinue Reading