Category Archives: Entrees

Homemade Tortillas and Summer Black Bean Salsa

Homemade Tortillas and Summer Black Bean Salsa

Holy smokes, folks. When I say that homemade tortillas are amazingly good and are also easy to make, I am not fooling. Of late, I’ve been on a bit of a flatbread kick. Grilled breakfast pizzas, grilled pizza dough crackers with Pecorino Romano sprinkled over top, and now, tortillas. If you’ve been reading along hereContinue Reading

Summer is for Seafood

Summer is for Seafood

Ahhh, if only we in the northeast were not denied our beach time this year. It’s been a rainy and dismal summer here in New England, the break finally coming at the tail end of July, at which time, JR and I – along with JR’s entire family – traveled to my brother-in-law’s house inContinue Reading

A Burger for Those Not Oafish

A Burger for Those Not Oafish

It seems as though I am on a bit of a nostalgic trip down the winding road of past employ lately, so why veer off when one is meandering through the memories of funny or pathetic jobs of yore? A couple of years after college, I had a job making tape duplications – or whatContinue Reading

An out-of-season frittata

An out-of-season frittata

This recipe, and therefore this post, is a bit random, being completely out of season as it is. Even while I watch the bumblebees and the sparrows fight – not one another, there are no inter-species fisticuffs in my yard, but bee-on-bee and bird-on-bird aggression there is plenty of, and, quite honestly, I am aContinue Reading

French Toast with Sour Cream and Jam

French Toast with Sour Cream and Jam

In addition to being the season of renewal, spring is also the season of the festive brunch. Dispute this, I dare you. In what other season are you a participant in such a quantity of brunches? None. Spring is beyond compare in the brunch-engagement category. And you may even find yourself hosting a brunch oneContinue Reading