Category Archives: Soups & Salads

A Highly Regarded Beef Stew

A Highly Regarded Beef Stew

When I first lived alone – by which I mean the very first apartment I had with no roommates, which was also my only experience living alone – I began cooking in earnest. I had started making up dishes years earlier, but, not insignificantly, the fact that I could afford an apartment on my ownContinue Reading

Roasted Fennel and Carrot Soup

Roasted Fennel and Carrot Soup

I have some semolina and cornmeal bread on its second rise in the house right now, its primary purpose to complement the roasted fennel and carrot soup I made on Wednesday night. JR and I were both taken aback by how good the soup was – oh, and don’t even get me started on theContinue Reading

Good for the soul. Good for colds.

Good for the soul. Good for colds.

That “good for colds” thing may just be an old wives’ tale, but it seemed to work out for JR last night. I have only a minute, but wanted to share with you the recipe for the cold-slaying (well, we hope cold-slaying after today, anyway) chicken soup. Chicken Soup with pasta – made with homemadeContinue Reading

Why can’t it just stay warm?

Why can’t it just stay warm?

I am clearly not at all ready for “real” fall, as I sit here groaning about how darned cold I am – to no one in particular, I might add – until you read this, that is – and it’s still in the 40s. At least I have this soup to keep me warm. PrintHeartyContinue Reading

Roasted Butternut Squash Soup

Roasted Butternut Squash Soup

Phase One of the focaccia dough for tonight’s dinner is complete, the dough is safely on the rise, so I have a few minutes to write. We’re having roasted butternut squash soup with creme fraiche, bacon, and balsamic caramelized onions with the focaccia. It’s nearly meat-free, but I have 4 pieces of bacon hanging around,Continue Reading