Category Archives: Vegetarian

A Quick Bread of the Highest Order: Zucchini Pesto Bread

A Quick Bread of the Highest Order: Zucchini Pesto Bread

It’s difficult to determine whether or not this has been a successful summer for our zucchini plants. On the one hand, my early bug smooshing efforts paid off with a bounty of blossoms for stuffing and frying. On the other hand, the squash bug nymphs that emerged from the eggs that I missed appear toContinue Reading

Deep Fried Stuffed Squash Blossoms

Deep Fried Stuffed Squash Blossoms

Or zucchini blossoms, to be precise. You may recall my obsession with squash bugs – the one where I envision myself, dressed as Death, wielding not a spectre, but my bare thumb- and fore-fingernails – effective tools as any in this crusade. Yes, my vigilantism has paid off, for we have enjoyed many stuffed zucchiniContinue Reading

Fava Bean Crostini

Fava Bean Crostini

One of my favorite summer activities – along with lazy Sundays on the beach and drinks on the Spring House lawn – is sitting in the garden watching the fireflies’ nightly show. It commences in June, and by July 4th is at its apex. Or at least this is what I believe, based on priorContinue Reading

Does this muffin a rhubarbist make?

Does this muffin a rhubarbist make?

My childhood memories of rhubarb involve warm summer afternoons in a still-damp bathing suit, and being handed a raw stalk with a bowl full of sparkling white sugar, then being instructed to take a bite. A la tequila shots, as it were. Dunk the stalk in sugar, take a tangy bite, dunk the stalk inContinue Reading

Je t’aime sweet radish de petit dejeuner

Je t’aime sweet radish de petit dejeuner

Apologies to all of you whose command of French surpasses mine. By my estimation, this would include every last one of you, even those of you who are only able to say “oui oui” every once in a while. I had to look up even these two simple phrases, “I love you” (that’s Je t’aime)Continue Reading