Category Archives: Vegetarian

Breakfast for Dinner

Breakfast for Dinner

When I was a kid, one of my favorite dinners was actually a theme dinner, Breakfast for Dinner. You remember it. I know you had them, too. Some nights it was apple pancakes, other nights scrambled eggs. I don’t remember any French Toast making the Breakfast for Dinner menu, which strikes me as quite aContinue Reading

Butternut Squash Ravioli in a Maple-Cream Sauce

Butternut Squash Ravioli in a Maple-Cream Sauce

I am sometimes guilty of getting a bit carried away with doing things in the most time-consuming fashion. I’d appreciate it, family, if you would stop laughing now. Thank you. It’s just that I enjoy making things myself – whether it be a gift, artwork, a note card, or a meal – and so IContinue Reading

Risotto Formaggio di Capra

Risotto Formaggio di Capra

If ever I have a cookbook of my own, I’m going to name it “The Brand New Book That No One Really Can Afford to Buy Right Now, But That Will Teach You How to Make Many Scrumptious, Low-Cost Meals, Depending Upon What’s Available That Season, Including Lesser-cuts of Meat, an Occasional Seafood Item, andContinue Reading

Pea puree. It isn’t just for wee people.

Pea puree. It isn’t just for wee people.

Part of eating for less involves eating meat less frequently or in smaller quantities. I realize that this may be an unpopular approach for carnivores, but one way to eat nearly vegetarian meals is to use a small amount of cured meat, such as bacon or pancetta to garnish dishes. At Easter, I make homemadeContinue Reading

Roasted Fennel and Carrot Soup

Roasted Fennel and Carrot Soup

I have some semolina and cornmeal bread on its second rise in the house right now, its primary purpose to complement the roasted fennel and carrot soup I made on Wednesday night. JR and I were both taken aback by how good the soup was – oh, and don’t even get me started on theContinue Reading