Category Archives: Vegetarian

Turkey. It’s not what’s for breakfast.

Turkey. It’s not what’s for breakfast.

Psssst. Hey there. You. Yes, you. Now, I know you’ve got a pecan pie to make, stuffing in the oven, a bird to brine, and marshmallows that need tossing over sweet potatoes, but what are you going to do with those house guests for breakfast on Friday? Serve them turkey tetrazzini? I think not. Here’sContinue Reading

A Lovely Side Dish or Vegetarian Option for Turkey Day

A Lovely Side Dish or Vegetarian Option for Turkey Day

Approximately one week from now, everyone reading this, and everyone they know, and everyone they know, and so on and so forth, will be standing in a kitchen full of chopped onions, dried bread, poultry seasoning, chicken broth, sweet potato, pecans, butter, canned pumpkin puree, brown sugar, maple syrup, flour strewn about, peeled apples –Continue Reading

Good for the soul. Good for colds.

Good for the soul. Good for colds.

That “good for colds” thing may just be an old wives’ tale, but it seemed to work out for JR last night. I have only a minute, but wanted to share with you the recipe for the cold-slaying (well, we hope cold-slaying after today, anyway) chicken soup. Chicken Soup with pasta – made with homemadeContinue Reading

Nearly instant orange fanciness

Nearly instant orange fanciness

Let’s face it, chicken is good food, but, boy, could it use some sprucing up from time to time. You know, just to keep it, well, interesting. Two nights ago, which now seems like it may as well have been August given the change in temperature between then and today, JR and I grilled chickenContinue Reading