Vegetarian Stuffed Mushrooms with Roasted Cauliflower and Chives

Vegetarian Stuffed Mushrooms with Roasted Cauliflower and Chives

Come Big Game time, there are plenty of meaty treats available: chicken wings, burgers and their diminutive slider cousins, hotdogs, meatballs and sausage, pulled pork, barbecue spare ribs, beef stew, nachos, chili. Sure, nachos and chili can be made vegetarian, but how often does that happen for Super Bowl? Not often, at least not inContinue Reading

Blood Orange-Ricotta Coffee Cake

Blood Orange-Ricotta Coffee Cake

This coffee cake has been many weeks in the works, tested first before Christmas using Navel oranges, then after the New Year as I worked on my restraint as it related to the crumb topping. It seems that a philosophy of more is better doesn’t really work for coffee cake crumb, and the cakes IContinue Reading

Orange-Maple Chicken Drumsticks with Orange-Gorgonzola Dipping Sauce

Orange-Maple Chicken Drumsticks with Orange-Gorgonzola Dipping Sauce

Football is a great excuse for all-day snacking, which JR and I definitely partake of once the weather changes from lovely, golden autumn warmth to the why-do-we-live-here-again cold. It must be the glorious autumn, gorgeous spring, and stunning summer that keeps us here, because it certainly can’t be the frigid winter that does. No matter,Continue Reading

Mushroom, Bacon, and Potato Frittata

Mushroom, Bacon, and Potato Frittata

For most of this year, we’ve been experiencing a bit of an egg drought. We’ve had hens since 2004, replacing them as needed – some have been lost to old age, others to neighborhood critters – chicken hawks, dogs, foxes, raccoons, and, we suspect, a fisher cat. Typically, we’re slightly ahead of the attrition, replenishingContinue Reading

the gift of cookbooks

the gift of cookbooks

Is anyone else in a last-minute gift-getting panic? Or is it just me? Every year, I say that I’m going to get a jump on the gift buying – you know, before Thanksgiving – and each year, the only gifts I manage to get done in advance are the jams, jellies, and dried herbs thatContinue Reading