Category Archives: Holidays & Entertaining

Cranberry-Apple Chutney

Cranberry-Apple Chutney

If you, like my brother, abhor the combination of cranberries and orange, for they produce a tangy cranberry sauce (we’re talking homemade here, I’m not implying that one should ever pour orange juice over the gelatinous, can-ridged sauce), this cranberry-apple chutney should do the trick to satisfy your not-so-bracing holiday-sauce cravings. With a base ofContinue Reading

Pumpkin Scones with Ginger-Honey Glaze

Pumpkin Scones with Ginger-Honey Glaze

Scones are a tricky baked good. Some can be like biting into the ledge that New England sits upon; brittle bits of slate-like crumb, dry, yet dense – tempting us to dump their remains into bags labeled “Quickcrete” and then to plot how we can resell them as such at our local home improvement store.Continue Reading

Ricotta Apple Cake with Cider-Maple Glaze

Ricotta Apple Cake with Cider-Maple Glaze

A fennel seed-rosemary-garlic rub for last night’s pork roast and the cake that is the subject of this post have confirmed for me that the return to fall cooking has officially begun. If the flavors of each weren’t enough of a statement that it is so, surely the desire to roast and bake, plus makeContinue Reading

Neighborhood Microclimates and a Use for Slightly Larger Than Shallot-sized Onions

Neighborhood Microclimates and a Use for Slightly Larger Than Shallot-sized Onions

Much of gardening theory – and therefore growing theory – is laid out before us in the pages of helpful and sometimes gorgeous gardening books, though, wine nerd that I am, I also find the wisdom of wine growers may be parlayed into the home garden. Smaller yields often result in better quality, keeping anContinue Reading

Deep Fried Stuffed Squash Blossoms

Deep Fried Stuffed Squash Blossoms

Or zucchini blossoms, to be precise. You may recall my obsession with squash bugs – the one where I envision myself, dressed as Death, wielding not a spectre, but my bare thumb- and fore-fingernails – effective tools as any in this crusade. Yes, my vigilantism has paid off, for we have enjoyed many stuffed zucchiniContinue Reading